Report- National Workshop One day
In Collaboration with Lead College Scheme
(December 20, 2019)
Career oriented and skill based programmes are often organised in the Shri Yashwantrao Patil Science college, Solankur. As it is the duty of Institutions i.e. HEI to provide skill based education and to make the capable students. Hence forth the various departments in the college are often engaged in such curricular and co-curricular activities college. By Keeping in mind with the kind permission of management Hon A.Y. Patil (Founder ,SVSPM Solankur) and Hon R.Y. Patil (Chairman, SVSPM, Solankur) and I/C Principal Dr. G.G. Chougale, the Department of Botany has organised One day National workshop on ‘Horticulture - an Agribusiness’ NWHA, 2019 in collaboration with Lead College scheme as per the rules and regulations of Shivaji University Kolhapur dated on 20th December 2029.
The Programme was divided in four sessions with Inauguration, Keynote address, Technical session I with Invited lectures of Dr M.D. Nandikar Scientist, Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research (NGPCR), Satara Dr. S. V. Kambhar Ass. Prof., Post Graduate Dept. of Botany, Basavprabhu Kore College, Chikodi, Karnataka followed by Technical session II with hands on training for grafting, budding layering for various fruit yielding plants by Krushi Paryavekshak, Krushi Chikistalaya, Radhanagari Mr. V. B. Chavan, M. Sc. (AGPM) Seema Biotech, Hatkanangale, District- Kolhapur.
Near about 131 participants registered for the programme and provided with certificates. Besides Near about 326 students from our college were also attended the workshop. All the participants, delegates, and students from our college were satisfied with the programe arrangement, knowledgeable Resource persons and refreshments with lunch and tea.
Photographs of the Events
Certificate sample of the Event